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Purely Prose Work

Here you can find links to my Medium  blog, as well as other sites I write for. Below those, I'll spotlight some of my favorite pieces I've written.


Games As Art A Look At The Ongoing Debat

Games as Art: A Look at the Ongoing Debate

Can video games be considered art? In this article I look at some of the better arguments for and against the classification. Many games are artistic in nature, but does that make them art? What about games that aren't artistic? It's largely open to interpretation, but hopefully I can help you develop an informed opinion.

Gravity Falls Interaction Cover.JPG

How Gravity Falls Used Fan Interaction to Become a Cult Classic 

Here I discuss the cult classic Disney show, Gravity Falls, particularly how fans were able to interact with it. Though they were small, I believe the interactive elements of the show played a large part in its success.

A Response to the Heartbreaking News of

The Heartbreaking News of Duck Kidnappings

I wrote this article in response to the news that duck kidnappings were on the rise. It had never occurred to me that people might take a bird from a public area to sell as meat, and the idea was appalling to me. The article gives more information and suggests a few ways to take action if you'd like to.

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